She’s Moving

The world has been spinning. Round and round on its orbit. Slowing down for no one and nothing. Just how it’s always been. Just how it’ll always be. My world has been spinning. Faster and faster every day. Somehow fitting more while working with less. Just how it’s always been. Just how it’ll always be. That’s why I sort of […]


Reason for Seeking Services

Reason for seeking services? Hmm. Life’s daily obstacles. People who irritate me. Multiple jobs that stress me out. Being eternally single. Just emotions in general. I could probably list out a few hundred more reasons, but none of them seem that dire. The truth is, life isn’t all that bad. It’s not the absolute best it’s going to get. I […]


Welcome Back

Hello again. Not to you. To me. This feels therapeutic, and I guess that’s why I’m doing it. Because I don’t have Meighan anymore. But if there’s something that Meighan did teach me- something in my four years of therapy- is that there are different versions of myself. The child Meg, the angsty teen Meg, the adventurer Meg, the reasonable […]


Remember This

We’re off to a fantastic start. Much speedier than it’s ever happened before. God said Certainty, so we’re doing Certainty. The backstory… I have moved every two years since moving to Hawaii. Moved here in 2016. Moved to the house in 2018. Moved to faculty housing in 2020. Moved to my place in 2022. And each of these moves have […]



God and I have this funny thing. Some outsider looking in would probably call it faith- a strong faith even. But I just call it friendship. What a friend I have in Jesus. And what God told me for 2023 was Chosen. I didn’t want this one. I hated it from the minute I heard it. I wanted to return […]