Barcelona Day 50.

Woah woah day 50. Even though it says Day 50, I’ve actually been in Europe longer than that, but it isn’t including my weekends away. Any who, today I was sick. I was stomach sick, head sick, fever sick, and it was all bad. My day was spent sleeping, watching YouTube videos, sleeping, and watching more YouTube videos. It’s such a shame because it was really nice out today, and I would have loved to experience Halloween in Barcelona! But I won’t dwell on that and just hope I get better so I can do cool things tomorrow! The hard part about being sick here is I’m so unfamiliar with everything! I don’t know what medicine to buy or how to go to the doctor if it had come to that. I miss being home where my mom would already have medicine in the cabinet and the can of chicken soup wouldn’t be too far away. I think I’ve reached a stage in my study abroad experience where I just miss a lot of things about home. The list goes on and on, but I’m trying very hard to continue enjoying the little time I have left here. October honestly flew by, and now I only have a month and a half left! So many more things to do in that month in a half that I don’t have time to be sick! So hopefully I feel better tomorrow and can keep living an adventurous life. Adios!