Hawaii Days 20- 21.

June 9th and 10th.

Before coming to Hawaii my experience in ministry had been limited to very little teaching of my own. While I spent plenty of time volunteering at Sunday school or Wednesday night church, I was never really the one running the show. Being here and being an influential role in the way children’s ministry is run has been eye opening. It has infinitely increased my passion for ministry and taught me so much more about the gifts God has given me.

From the start, I hit the ground running. I dove in head first and was involved in every activity, event, or service possible, and I’ve loved every minute of it. I love going on field trips with the kids. I love leading them sing and dance to songs that will never get out of my head. I love teaching them. I love getting to know their names though difficult it may be. One might look at my schedule and see “Tuesdays youth small group, Wednesdays kids church, Thursdays youth church, Saturdays and Sundays church” and wonder why on earth did I over commit myself to so many ministries, but for me it’s not a burden only a blessing.

It was less than 10 years ago that I myself was a child sitting in the pews and listening to my Sunday school teachers talk to me about God. Now here I am, where I least expected myself to be, on the opposite side of the spectrum teaching children. I have always had a passion for working with children, but at this moment God is slowly but surely revealing to me how I could use that gift to glorify His name through children’s ministry. And it is wonderful.