Hawaii Day 46- 47.

July 5- July 6 

We did this activity at Ohana Group where you give the eulogy of a friend. A couple of my friends gave a eulogy about me. One said how no matter where I was there were smiling children around me. The other said how it was evident that I was living my life for Christ, and it showed in the way I carried my life.

After hearing what my friends had to say about me, it made met think about what I would hope people would say about me had I died today. I would hope someone would say I was nice and caring. I hope that by the time I die I would have brought someone closer to Jesus, and that person would be thankful for my life. It’s absurd for me to think about death when truthfully I’m still very young, but everyday is an opportunity for me to begin a new adventure.

Before I die I want to do it all. I want to visit all 7 continents. I want to learn French and Italian. I want to ride an elephant. I want to live in Brighton, England. I want to be a preschool teacher. I want to be a children’s pastor. I want to get married and have precious children. I want to have a house with a big tree in the backyard so that my kids can build a tree house. I want to grow old with someone. I want to have white hair, bad memory, and false teeth but still be able to dance in the rain. I don’t want to die not having lived an amazing story for people to tell at my funeral.