Hawaii March 9th

I walked into the WNA chapel late and sneakily pulled up a seat in the back. I didn’t think Pastor Joy saw me, but she did. She called me up to the front and told the kids how I was back to help for camp. Immediately five-year old squeals and kids shouting “Auntie Meg!” filled the room. I nearly cried.

Pastor Joy’s introduction alone brought a giant smile to my face. I could feel her appreciation like a wave when she explained how no intern has ever spent their own money to come back and help her. I spent months saving to afford a flight back to Hawaii but having the opportunity to be part of her ministry for a few weeks was priceless. I was so happy to be back and help her, and to my surprise the kids were just as happy to see me.

These kids had only known me for a few months, but they loved me more than I could have ever expected. As soon as chapel dismissed I was bombarded with hugs and high fives and warm greetings. One girl wanted me to stay with them all day while two others clung to me. They remembered me, and they were happy to see me. I don’t know what I did to deserve this kind of love.

While I did work at the school, I spent most of my time in the office. The extent of seeing these kids were at Wednesday Soul’d Out or Friday beach field trips. All I know is that I live to shine Christ’s light. I hope that through my interactions with these kids they don’t just feel the love I have for them, but that they’re able to know Christ loves them to.