Hawaii June 5th.





 The adventures of Lynn and Meg continued. As we golfed, I got bitten by bugs, we lost a few golf balls, and our cart nearly crashed thanks to Lynnie’s driving. Nonetheless, it was time well spent. I’m going to take the time to write my appreciation for the relationship I have with Lynn, because I know she’s going to read this and I know it’s going to make her cry.

I don’t know what it is about Lynnie that makes us click. Maybe it’s how selfless or kind or polite she is, because God probably knows I need a little bit more of that. She’s a whole lot younger than me, but we get along just fine. She knows how to put up with my every annoying need or obnoxious clingy personality. She doesn’t get mad that I sometimes make her do strange, random tasks at work. She doesn’t get upset when I lose five of her golf balls. Instead she deals with me. And it’s not in a way where she says fine then stomps her feet, slams the door, and mumbles under her breath, but she’s content with me even when I’m absolutely ridiculous. If I were her, I probably wouldn’t have the patience to put up with myself. But she does.

So I’m thankful for Lynnie and the relationship that has formed in the past year. A year ago it all started with a piece of cake. Since then we’ve laughed, she’s tricked me into thinking I have lice, we’ve spent too much money on shaved ice, and we’ve golfed. And it’s not stopping just yet, because this summer has so much more in store. There’s all the brunch places we still need to try and finding Zac Efron somewhere on the island and who knows what other random things we’ll get ourselves into. The adventures of Lynn and Meg are far from over.