Hawaii June 16th.

I have various responsibilities as the children’s ministry intern. Throughout the week I have different things I teach or participate in. Of all of them, speaking in chapel might be the responsibility I prepare most for. I’ve learned that I can’t just wing it. I can’t read the lesson the night before and think that will be ok. Yes it might fill the time slot, but is it really teaching the lesson that needs to be learned.

I’ve learned from my mistakes. I don’t just throw a lesson together in ten minutes and say “Oh that’s good enough.” I’ve enjoyed reading the story over and over again to be able to retell it without looking. I like thinking about ways it applies to the lives of the children I speak to. When I can give them something to relate to it becomes more than a story in the Bible, but a story in their lives. I stand up there in front of them and pray that God gives me the words to speak into their hearts not just their ears.

I’m going to boast and say that I’m proud of myself. I’m proud that I take the time to think and pray over a lesson that will mean something to them. I’m proud that I can stand up there confidently speaking about the good news of God. It’s my second time around and I’m not doing too bad.