Getting Lost

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Mom and I exited the restaurant and turned right in hopes of going towards Hyde Park. I had looked at the map and read directions, so I thought we were supposed to turn right. As we walked further down the street the blue dot on the map moved farther away from where we were supposed to be, so we turned around. Surely we were walking the right way now, but again the blue dot kept getting farther away from where it was supposed to be. So again, we stopped in our path, flipped around, and kept going.

Much of our trip to London was like that. We would start off one way only to realize we were headed in the wrong direction and try again. Sometimes, though, we did go in the right direction, and in a matter of minutes we had reached our destination. There was no predicting if we would get lost or not, and that was ok. Making the wrong turn helped us realize which way was the right turn, and making the right turn was even more delightful. Going in circles was ok too, because eventually we’d figure out which way to go.

I would be lying if I said the stars perfectly align in my life. They never have, and I never want them to. The reality is that my life has been a series of getting lost and making mistakes and being hurt. I often lose track of the path that God has so perfectly lined up for me, but getting lost has been the most rewarding journey in my faith. I don’t have much figured out, but I trust God in each step along the way. I know that God is in control even when I’m merely just piecing things together.

When I don’t know which way to go I often look to family and friends to make the decision for me. I ask and I ask and I wait until someone tells me what to do, but no one ever does. So I pray, and I demand that God gives me a tangible sign. Sometimes the signs come quick and I chuckle as I look up to the sky and think ‘ha ha good one God’ and other times the signs come months after heartache and despair.

Getting lost is not a season of sorrow but a step in the direction of joy. It can be months of feeling lost or even just seconds, but God will never leave you there. Getting lost has allowed me to see things in life I would not have otherwise experienced. It has deepened my faith and given me a stronger understanding of the faithfulness and wisdom of Christ. Through it all I keep my eyes on Jesus.

I have been lost for a while now. It has been months of trying to navigate through immense sadness and questioning my decision to move to Hawaii. I often think of what life would be like if I had just made one different decision. Where would I be? What would I be doing? Who would I be surrounded by? Then on the tube ride back to the airport I think it finally clicked. I was able to make sense of why I am where I am doing what I’m doing.

God knows my heart so much better than I ever will, and I praise Him for it. He knew I needed to be in Hawaii long before I even had a glimpse of what He saw. Now that I know an ounce of what He knows, I’m in it for the long haul. I have a feeling deep in my heart that He’s going to take me somewhere I never thought possible.

Life can be a waiting game sometimes, so get lost in the meantime. Try everything so you know exactly which things you don’t like. Don’t be afraid to get lost or mess up or get hurt. It’s all part of the process.

To the post grad student who hasn’t secured a full-time job with benefits, you are no less qualified than any other job applicant and you should not give up until you find the most-fit job. To the college student who doesn’t like their major, switch majors and find something that you are willing to spend four years learning about. After you graduate you may or may not enter the career field relating to your degree, so spend your college years learning about something you are truly passionate about. To the high school student who feels stuck, your time will come and you have plenty more life to live. Don’t be so quick to grow up. To the person who is single and looking for love, please know that it will come exactly when it’s meant to come. To the person who has a significant other and is wondering where love is, remember that it’s a choice not a hereditary trait.

It’s ok to know where you’re going, and it’s equally as acceptable to get lost along the way. Where you are now is not where you are going to end up if you choose to keep on going. God is better than Santa Claus. He isn’t just bringing amazing things into your life for one day of the year- He wants to give you the best all the time.

In life you’re going to get lost. You’re going to go down a path only to realize it was the wrong way, but you’re also going to go down paths that will lead you to exactly where you wanted to be. Society is going to tell you that you can’t get lost. They’re going to try to convince you that at all times you need to know where you’re going. I think they’re wrong. Don’t believe them. You’re doing your best. It’s going to be ok.