January Fourth

What to write about today.

She invited me to be part of a leadership connect group. She invited me because she feels I have leadership potential in the church. Me. Plain old Meg. A leader in the church? Not possible… but because I follow and worship a miraculous God it’s absolutely possible.

This month marks two years of me attending Anchor Church. It all started as a means of fixing a gap in my life. Transitioning from the bubble of a small Christian college to the real world was tough, and what I didn’t know I needed was a strong, uplifting community. For the eight months following college there was this huge hole where community and relationships used to be. So, Anchor Church was the resolution to fixing that problem.

My first baby step was Sisterhood. They were reading through the book How’s Your Soul. It was very fitting since ‘How’s your soul?’ was the question Mel and I would ask each other every day during our senior year of college. Sisterhood was a foot in the door that allowed me to foster community with other Christian women. It was a small way of me regaining community without having to leave the church I was already attending.

The next baby step came six months later when I decided to leave the church I was attending to participate fully in Anchor Church. It was not an easy decision. I burned bridges and I hurt other’s feelings, but ultimately, I was putting my relationship with God before my relationship with anyone else. And as a result, I grew. Who would have known that God would create beauty out of ashes.

Then another six months passed, and I had friends. For the first time I opened up parts of my heart, and I spilled the secrets I was clinging so hard onto. I dropped the façade and let them in. They are the friends who help hold my heart, take care of my soul, and push me closer to God.

Continue on six more months, and I stopped procrastinating with God’s calling over my life. I threw up the white flags and surrendered. I became a volunteer for youth group. That moment was probably the scariest of my entire faith journey. It’s the moment where I knew God was about to change the trajectory of my life. From there on out nothing would be the same again.

Now two years later here I am. I was standing in the courtyard when she pulled me aside. She invited me to be part of a leadership connect group. Who knows where I’ll be six months from now.