My People

There was no agenda. I’ve prayed for my finances. I’ve prayed for the guy I liked to come back to Hawaii. Actually, I’ve prayed for guys I liked on more than one occasion… But this time, I didn’t really have anything in mind. The only thing I could think I needed to pray for were my people.

I wanted to pray for my home team. For the people who fight for me, fight alongside me, and occasionally fight with me when I’m being too stubborn to listen to what’s right. And to be completely honest, I haven’t done much praying this week. I’ve carved out space for God, yes. I’ve quieted my distractions in order to hear God better, yes. But I haven’t really talked to God more than I usually would.

Yet still somehow, God knows my heart.

Because all week- even though I haven’t been praying for my people- I’ve been given the opportunity to love my people well.

From House Party with my cousins- lots and lots of House Party. To walking and playing Catan with the Kilas. Then FaceTime dates with my cholas. And now fishing with Lynn and shopping with Maci. God has given me the opportunity to spend time with the people I love.

Maybe God’s trying to teach me something. He’s always trying to teach me something. Prayer is good. There will never be a time when prayer is not good. But serving and spending time and loving is good too. Loving one another might be just as powerful as praying for one another. So rather than beat myself up for not praying, I can just keep loving.

I can continue to spend time with. I can continue to do life with. I can continue to show the people I love how much they matter to me.

Because if you know me at all, you know that I wish for nothing more than for the people I love to know how valuable they are. I try my very hardest to give the absolute best to the ones that mean the most to me. I will drive an ice cream pie across the island for your birthday. I will stash away animal styled mugs to randomly gift to you when you are having a bad day. I will call you and talk to you relentlessly and push you to think about how God is moving in your life. I will do everything I can, because once you are in my life, good luck trying to find a way out.

So maybe God is telling me that I can add more to my list of to-dos and pray, or I can keep doing what He’s already gifted me to do. To love my people well.