“For since He Himself has suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are tempted.”
Hebrews 2:18
The Passion Translation says, “He suffered and endured every test and temptation, so that He can help us every time we pass through the ordeals of life.”
The Message says, “… He would have experienced it all Himself- the pain, all the testing- and would be able to help where help was needed.”
I often tell my tiny humans to try something first before saying they don’t like it. I tell them they might end up liking it. And often times they do. They like the food that they thought was strange or the activity they weren’t interested in. Sometimes they don’t end up liking it. Then they’re real honest with me and tell me how gross or yucky or boring it was. But either way, they came to that conclusion because they tried it first and could give a personal reflection.
Jesus didn’t sin. We know that.
But He lived among the people and saw plagues, unfair taxes being imposed, demons possessing people, and all sorts of other terrible things. He didn’t fall into temptation and become like the world, but He knew enough and was close enough to be able to give a personal perspective of what it was like to live in the world.
The Bible doesn’t go into detail about unexpected break ups. It’s not like my cheesy romance books that I read with third act breakups and fake relationships turned real relationships. Sometimes I wish it was though. Sometimes I wish there were a Ten Commandments on how to heal your heart after it has been ripped out and tossed on the floor. It’d be nice to read parables on relearning how to be on your own and be alone. But it’s not there.
So instead of reading about it, I have to know in my head and in my heart that Jesus saw every type of suffering possible. Even the type that has dragged me through the mud all year long. He’s seen that heart break. He knows what it looks like. Which means I can trust that He can help me every time I pass through the ordeals of loneliness. That He is able to help where help is needed.
And for that I’m thankful for Jesus.
Thankful that He was born on Earth. Thankful that He grew up amongst the broken people. Thankful that He knows what’s going on.
Because He’s with me, and He’s helping me get through it.