
Why study for a midterm when you can write a reflection post about homesickness! Before I start, I still stand by my claim that I don’t get very homesick or experience homesickness easily. I’m always too excited to start my new experiences that I don’t have time to feel sad or homesick. But there’s something in me that feels different than normal. I don’t know if this is considered homesickness, but with everything I do I’m finding myself wishing that my sister was with me or my mom or my dad or my best friend or someone, anyone from back home. Yes I’ve made friends here, and I’ve had more than enough laughs, but I wish I just had one piece of familiar. From a new language, to a new city, to all new people, there is so much that is different here than from home. Now don’t take this as me complaining about getting the opportunity to study in Europe, because it’s not. I am so thankful for everything that has come my way, but I have to admit that I’m looking forward to coming home. Walking through the doors after passing through customs and seeing my sister there. Seeing her look like a grump but knowing that inside she’s just as excited to see me as I am to see her. Getting to flop onto my bed and have all the feathers from my comforter float into the air. Driving to my dad’s house and telling my grandma 100 times that I didn’t just come from LA. What I miss most is familiar. But I know that in a few months familiar to me will be Barcelona. I’ll go back home and miss the beauty of an exciting city. I’ll miss the chocolate with churros that have become part of my weekly diet. I’ll miss the church where I couldn’t understand a thing, but was able to connect with everything. Right now I miss every familiar detail about home, but in three months when I’m home, I’ll miss every new detail about this amazing and wonderful city. Adios!