Barcelona Day 68.

Monday November 18th consisted of a whole lot of nothing. More rain, more laziness. Since coming home from church last night I haven’t stopped listening to “Tu Amor Me Inundo.” So rather than babble on right now, I think I’ll post the lyrics for those curious of what song it is.

Ante ti hoy me encuentro
Y postrado me presento
Tu esplendor me conquistó
Con tu paz me abrazas
Me rodeas con tu gracia
Tu amor me inundó

Me acerco a ti
Te abro mi corazón
Mi vida tuya es
Ya no hay temor
Me rindo a ti
Me humillo ante tu amor
Oh tu amor

Si me pierdo tú me encuentras
Y levantas mi cabeza
Puedo ver tu majestad
Me refugio en tu presencia
Me cautiva tu belleza
Quiero estar donde tú estás

Profundo amor
Que lava mi interior
Escucha mi clamor
Te necesito Dios
Mi voz levantaré
Jesús te buscaré
Tu rostro quiero ver

Now you’re all capable of copying and pasting this into Google translate yourself, but for anyone who knows the slightest bit of Spanish, try understanding it yourself. Personally, I feel that some songs are better sung in Spanish. Adios!