2019 / Uncategorized

January Sixth

Cooking for myself. Fixing a leaky washer. Vacuuming out the sand in my car. Writing a rent check. Those are all things college me would have never done, but post college me did all those things today. Maybe I am an adult after all. My personal preference would be to eat out, pay other people to do the things I’m […]

2019 / Uncategorized

January Fifth

For some it’s getting to unbutton your pants after eating a big meal. For others it might be laying your head down on your pillow after a long day at work. It’s that moment of ‘ahh’ where you feel like you can finally breathe again. For me, it has been- and will always be- getting in the ocean… There’s something […]

2019 / Uncategorized

January Fourth

What to write about today. She invited me to be part of a leadership connect group. She invited me because she feels I have leadership potential in the church. Me. Plain old Meg. A leader in the church? Not possible… but because I follow and worship a miraculous God it’s absolutely possible. This month marks two years of me attending […]

2019 / Uncategorized

January Third

In college I napped a lot. Whether it was two hours on a Sunday afternoon- Naz naps as we liked to call it- or eight minutes between classes, I enjoyed a good midday snooze. As I got older and became an ‘adult’ (still don’t know if I qualify to call myself that) the naps became few and rare. At most […]

2019 / Uncategorized

January Second

My word last year was ‘enough’. I don’t know if this was the word I felt attached to at the start of the year or if along the way it became my word. But ‘enough’ became most evident for me at work. Over and over again it became the word that hurt me. Rather than it acting as a bold […]